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ProjectSheet for Excel - Project Planning in Spreadsheet

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Plan and Track your Project with WBS breakdown and Gantt chart

Planning and Tracking helps the project team to remain focused and motivated. With planning you create an overview of all goals and how to achieve them. A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) gives you a total overview with layered details. The amount of work is estimated and scheduled in time. A Gantt chart makes the schedule visible as bars. Progress is indicated in the bars.

For flexibility you can create the WBS, schedule and Gantt chart in a spreadsheet, but this may be time consuming and prone to errors, especially when you need to update the schedule. With the ProjectSheet add-in you create and maintain a WBS and schedule faster and more accurately in Excel than by hand or by using a template with cell formulas. The add-in assists on data you enter in the worksheet or by applying the functions in the task pane on the right side of the worksheet. Spreadsheet functions like filtering can still be used.

At first, the free add-in inserts a worksheet with columns for the tasks, WBS code and time schedule. The Gantt chart is integrated in the worksheet per task row. The Pro version also inserts a worksheet with resources that can be assigned to tasks. Since each company and project is different, you can insert your own custom columns with data or cell-formulas that refer to the add-in's columns.

screenshot with ProjectSheet Pro

The add-in can be inserted in Excel online in a web browser and in Excel on a Windows or Mac PC.

Excel online is available as free Office.com with a limited storage of 5 gigabyte.

Install from Microsoft AppSource

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Demo videos

Install add-in [1:57]

Quick tour of free add-in [2:56]

Quick tour of Pro add-in [3:51]

Work Breakdown Structure

The tasks are put in a hierarchical WBS by indenting them by using the task pane. They get a WBS code accordingly. Summary tasks can be collapsed/expanded for a better overview. Summary tasks in the WBS receive start and finish dates from their sub-tasks.

Project schedule in Gantt chart

The dates for starting and finishing a task are entered in the spreadsheet or with a date picker in the task pane.

The time between start and finish dates appear as a bar in the Gantt chart. The start date of the Gantt timescale can be changed to scroll through the project in detail. In the Pro version, the time span of the Gantt timescale can be changed to view the entire project.

Progress tracking with Colors

During project execution you enter progress as a percentage to each task. The percentage can be entered in the spreadsheet but also with a slider in the task pane. 100% completed tasks can be filtered out. Progress of summary tasks are calculated from their sub tasks. Optional colors in the schedule table or Gantt chart indicate progress and delay.

Pro version with Critical path method, Resource assignment and Cost calculation

The Pro version includes critical path scheduling based on task duration and task dependencies, taking working hours and non-working holidays into account.

Resources are kept in a separate worksheet and can be assigned to tasks. A resource can be work or material. Work resources can use the work per task to calculate the duration. Costs per task and resource are calculated based on resource rate and work hours.

After sign-in with your Microsoft account and in-app registration, the Pro license per account is available for €24/year using PayPal without subscription, so no direct debits. The price per domain including all accounts is €120/year. You can try the add-in with a free trial of 10 days without any obligation.

User guide with more details